Taking a vacation: a difficult decision?

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Taking a vacation: a difficult decision?

Taking a vacation: a difficult decision?

A well-deserved vacation is a wonderful prospect. Yet, taking leave days isn’t as self-evident as it used to be. Among employees, more than half finds it difficult to take leave. A sense of responsibility and guilt rears its head when they consider taking time off. Should they just forget about taking leave? It’s not a smart move. As it happens, everyone needs a vacation from time to time!

Why is it so difficult?

Many companies deal with an overload of work and a shortage of personnel. Due to the expanding workload, employees often feel that they can’t afford to take a holiday. Their absence would mean that their colleagues’ workload increases, which often brings forth feelings of guilt. Additionally, certain employers make it impossible for employees to take some time off. When a manager stresses that everyone’s effort is needed, employees are quick to unpack their suitcases. As HR-manager, it is your job to make sure this doesn’t happen. Not going on vacation can have sweeping consequences.

No vacation: how bad can it be?

Very bad. People who don’t take any time off are sooner to get ill. During a period of vacation time, you get the time to relax, recover from the stress, and recharge. You are free to arrange your daily schedule the way you want, which appears to have a positive effect on your health. In conclusion: no one can go without a vacation!

How to make sure everyone gets a vacation?

Sometimes you need to navigate around many things as an HR-manager. Try to keep a healthy work environment by communicating with department managers, and cutting back on employees’ workloads. See to it that all employees get the vacation they deserve. How to do that? By maintaining a clear overview of the vacation schedule. When you meticulously monitor who goes on leave, and when, the company – and your employees – will remain in good condition!

Would you like to know more about the cloud-based leave registration system of Leavedays.com? Feel free to contact us!

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